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Disciples of Christ

Classroom Expectations:

Discipline comes from the root word disciple. The purpose of our classroom discipline system is to help form strong disciples of Christ. We use Class Dojo to show student progress in their journey of discipleship. More information about how to use Class Dojo is sent home at the beginning of the school year. Once students reach 25 points, they choose from a variety of rewards and points reset to 0. 


Criteria for discipleship journey:

As citizens (members) of our Catholic school community we expect our students to participate fully in our mission to “guide students in developing academic excellence, leadership skills, and personal responsibility through the use of religion, reason, and loving kindness, [and provide] a community working for the respect of all.” The below Citizenship Rubric is meant to show how well students uphold our school’s mission.


Grades 1-8 Citizenship Rubric


1 Above Average - Student consistently works to develop academic excellence, leadership skills, personal responsibility, and a community of respect. Student encourages and helps others to do the same.

2 Satisfactory - Student works to develop academic excellence, leadership skills, and personal responsibility, and a community of respect. (Student may need reminders to follow classroom rules, occasionally talks out of turn, turns in sloppy or incomplete work, or comes to school out of uniform.)

3 Needs Improvement - Student is inconsistent in working to develop academic excellence, leadership skills, personal responsibility, or a community of respect.  (This may involve even more reminders concerning not being prepared for class, not wearing the appropriate uniform, speaking out of turn, not turning in work, making inappropriate comments or acting in a way that is not becoming of a good citizen…)

4 Unsatisfactory - Student is inconsistent in working to develop academic excellence, leadership skills, personal responsibility, or a community of respect. Student hinders others’ ability to work on their personal development.

Every few weeks, your child will bring home a Citizenship Report based on classroom observations using the above criteria.



What You Can Expect From Me

I will teach your child using a variety of strategies (and prayers!) in order to help them get the most out of 3rd grade at St. Johns. I am timely with feedback and assessments - graded assignments/assessments are generally sent home within 2-3 days of being turned in or taken. Please check the folder every day. I have two little boys and another little one due in early November, but your child is very important to me. If you’re unable to see me between 7:15 and 3:00, then I can make myself available at earlier or later hours upon request. (I just need advance notice.) E-mail  or Class Dojo Messenger is also a great way to communicate with me.       


My Expectations of You as Parents:

Your role as the primary educator of your child is very, very important! Please be involved in your child’s classroom experience by asking questions about the school day and what he or she is learning and by checking the planner and take-home folder on a daily basis. I try to update our classroom website on Mondays to keep you informed about homework and other news. Go to Click on School, then click on Class Sites, and find 3rd Grade: Mrs. Kimbell.   


Grading Scale:

Assessment: 55% (Tests, Quizzes, Performance Assessments, Social Studies and Religion Unit Projects)

Classwork: 30%

Homework: 15% (Primarily Spelling, Vocabulary, Reading, and Simple Solutions Math)

*Math will have an additional Quiz category to account for Simple Solutions assessments.


Students are expected to try their best in all things, but assessment is the primary way to determine whether a student has learned a particular concept. Therefore, assessment must take prominence in our grading system.



Homework is not meant to be a burden. Its purpose is to help cement learning and keep parents in-the-know about your child’s education. It also teaches responsibility and helps students develop positive study habits. I expect your child to show personal responsibility in writing down the day’s homework (and any important reminders or classroom and school news) in his or her planner; however, homework and news will also be posted on our class website.


Specials Schedule:

P.E. – Tuesday and Thursday

Music – Monday

Computers – Friday

Art – Wednesday

Spanish - Monday and Thursday


Mass Days:

We have the great privilege of celebrating the Mass as a school every Wednesday. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately in regular uniform with black shoes. Mass will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the church. You are welcome to attend!

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